Our main goal is to assist young athletes to combine sports and education, which is not easy to do. Our motto “Sports and education at the same time” represents the guiding star and reminds us of the purpose of our goal. Namely, the sports system ran in Europe and all other parts of the world is significantly different from the system which is used in the USA. In all countries, except in the USA, the main focus of the sport is on professionalism. Sports activities are taking place in sport clubs that are competing in different leagues, and are not connected with educational institutions, and that is where the problem occurs. The main goal for all clubs is to achieve best results and train the athletes to the best of their abilities. Therefore, it is not uncommon that young athletes are requested to leave school and focus only on sports in order to have more time to practice. When we take into account problems such as long distances between schools, clubs and the place of living, we come to the conclusion that in theory as well as in reality, it is almost impossible to pursue serious academic and athletic goal at the same time. The United States and Turkey have a system that has a different concept and focuses primarily on amateur athletes; thus, all sports activities are associated with educational institutions (high schools, prep schools, junior colleges and universities) with a common goal of overcoming the above mentioned issues. THEY HAVE SUCCEEDED IN COMBINING THE UNCOMBINABLE!
Our vision is to make our clients’dreams come true. It is also to help and support young athletes in finding the best opportunity to enroll in high schools and universities, which will enable them to achieve great academic and athletic experience. This experience will surely leave a strong impact on their future.Our vision is also to guide our clients to pick the best possible path in their life, which is reflected by another motto “Control your future”. Therefore, join our program as soon as possible and help us accomplish our vision!